SMV1705-000 Skyworks 变容二极管

  • Reverse voltage: 12 v
  • Forward current : 20mA
  • Reverse breakdown voltage : 12V
  • Junction capacitance : 18.3pF@VR = 1 V, f = 1 MHz
射频易商城 官方自营、100%测试;
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库存 1000 件 ( 可预售 )


库存 1000 件 ( 可预售 )


SMV1705-000 Skyworks 变容二极管

SMV1705: Hyperabrupt Tuning Varactors Supplied on Film
Frame and Waffle Packs
 Wide bandwidth VCOs
 VHF and UHF TV tuners
 Analog phase shifters

 Designed for high volume, low-cost battery applications
 Low series resistance
 High capacitance ratio
 Available as:
 Full wafer on film frame (SMV1705-099)
 Dice in waffle packs (SMV1705-000)
 Small footprint chip size: 12 x 12 x 5.5 mils

Skyworks SMV1705 varactors are silicon hyperabrupt junctionvaractor diodes specifically designed for battery operation. Thesedevices have a high capacitance ratio and low series resistance,which makes them appropriate for low phase noise voltagecontrolled oscillators (VCOs) operating at wireless frequencies of2.5 GHz and higher.
The SMV1705-099 is supplied as 100 percent electrically tested,fully singulated wafers mounted on a film frame. TheSMV1705-000 is supplied as a 100 percent electrically tested diein waffle packs.
The absolute maximum ratings of the SMV1705 varactors areprovided in Table 1. Electrical specifications are specified in
Table 2. Typical performance characteristics are provided inFigures 1 and 2. The SPICE model for the SMV1705 die is shownin Figure 3 and the associated model parameters are provided in
Table 3. Die mechanical characteristics are listed in Table 4.

Table 1. SMV1705-000/-099 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)
Power dissipation @ cathode temperature of 25 °C PDIS 250 mW
Reverse voltage VR 12 V
Forward current IF 20 mA
Junction temperature TJ –55 +150 C
Storage temperature TSTG –55 +150 C
Note 1: Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may reduce device reliability. There is no damage to device with only one parameter set at the limit and all other
parameters set at or below their nominal value. Exceeding any of the limits listed here may result in permanent damage to the device.

SKU: SMV1705-000 分类: 标签: , ,